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Dołączył: 10 Maj 2008
Posty: 607
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A tak wogóle. Spodziewałem się że te rahi to Niazeski bądź inne rahi Mutrana. Przemknęło mi przez myśl że moze są teleportowane lub coś z Bara Magna. Co to jest wogóle to całe EP? Myślałem że to Antydermis Chiroxa.
Wto 21:12, 02 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2007
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Energetyczne Protodermis to substancja z planety Wielkich Istot. Ma zdolność zniszczenia lub transformowania przeznaczonych do tego istot. Dzięki EP Toa Mata zmienili się w Toa Nuva.
Wto 21:33, 02 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 08 Maj 2008
Posty: 255
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Ostrzeżeń: 1/5 Skąd: ze Skierniewic
EP występowało już w historii jak napisał Taki Owaki przemieniło Toa Mata w Toa Nuva, bohrok w bohrok-kal i jest lekarstwem na antidermis.
Wto 21:39, 02 Gru 2008 |
Toa Protodermis
Dołączył: 19 Paź 2007
Posty: 2090
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 |  | EP występowało już w historii jak napisał Taki Owaki przemieniło Toa Mata w Toa Nuva, bohrok w bohrok-kal i jest lekarstwem na antidermis. |
Może mu ktoś wytłumaczyć, że nie ma lekarstwa na antydermis, bo to nie choroba 
Czw 21:48, 04 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 28 Sty 2008
Posty: 45
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Ostrzeżeń: 3/5
Kuracją po antidermis jest zanurzenie w protodermis energetycznym - przypomina to leczenie ran po zasadzie (ługu) poprzez skropienie rany roztworem o odczynie kwaśnym. Antidermis w kontakcie z protodermis ulega zobojętnieniu ("+" dodać "-" daje 0). Poza tym, elektrycznośc w ciałach Inika uodparnia ich na wirusa.
Czw 22:26, 04 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 13 Lut 2008
Posty: 196
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Toruń
EP istotą - bardzo ciekawe. Powyższy rusunek przedstawia tą postać. Na sectorze pisze, że ta istota ma górną część ciała jak Shadow Titan form Teridaxa, więc się zgadza (obrazek też z sectora).
Sob 14:14, 06 Gru 2008 |
Dawny Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Sty 2006
Posty: 1542
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 |  |
EP istotą - bardzo ciekawe. Powyższy rusunek przedstawia tą postać. Na sectorze pisze, że ta istota ma górną część ciała jak Shadow Titan form Teridaxa, więc się zgadza (obrazek też z sectora). |
Że tak zapytam... skąd jest ta forma istoty Protodermis? Z jakieś gry, czy...?
Sob 15:38, 06 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2007
Posty: 2203
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Z gry BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows. Niekanoniczna gra, przedstawienie EPE niby też, bo w książce Maze of Shadows jest inny opis. Tam EPE wygląda jak Toa Metru.
Sob 15:51, 06 Gru 2008 |
Toa Protodermis
Dołączył: 19 Paź 2007
Posty: 2090
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
 |  | Kuracją po antidermis jest zanurzenie w protodermis energetycznym - przypomina to leczenie ran po zasadzie (ługu) poprzez skropienie rany roztworem o odczynie kwaśnym. Antidermis w kontakcie z protodermis ulega zobojętnieniu ("+" dodać "-" daje 0). Poza tym, elektrycznośc w ciałach Inika uodparnia ich na wirusa. |
Może zacznijmy od czegoś prostego: Nie da się wyleczyć kogoś, z opętania.
 |  | Energized Protodermis is also the "cure" for the Antidermis controlling a living being. Since Teridax or other Makuta may not be destined to transform, the Energized Protodermis destroys his/her energies. |
Trudno nazwać EP lekarstwem wobec powyższego. Ono po prostu robi to co zawsze - niszczy antidermis, jeżeli jest przeznaczone do zniszczenia.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Toa Protodermis dnia Sob 23:46, 06 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
Sob 23:43, 06 Gru 2008 |
Dawny Administrator
Dołączył: 02 Gru 2005
Posty: 2178
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
 |  | Trudno nazwać EP lekarstwem wobec powyższego. Ono po prostu robi to co zawsze - niszczy antidermis, jeżeli jest przeznaczone do zniszczenia. |
To jest coś jak nazywanie "lekarstwem" substancji cofającej mutacje z X-Men III. Też "lekarstwo", choć wg nich, mutacja to nie choroba.
Nie 17:38, 07 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 21 Lip 2008
Posty: 61
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 2/5 Skąd: Gdynia Magna
There was no where to run. There was no where to hide. A tidal-wave of Energized Protodermis was headed right for Toa Helryx and Keetongu. When it struck them, it would do one of two things; transform them forever into who-knew-what, or destroy them both. Desperate, Helryx reached out with her Elemental power. Despite many thousands of years of honing her control over to perfection, it did no good.
Energized Protodermis, though in liquid form, was not water and was immune to her abilities. Doom was coming in a great silver wave. Keetongu growled. Helryx glanced at him to see that his attention was directed behind them - specifically he was looking at a hole in space that had just opened. Thoughts raced through Helryx's mind. Had Brutaka come to save them? Where did this portal lead? But there wasn't time for answers, only escape. Grabbing Keetongu's wrist, she pulled him toward the hole. They dove in together with no idea of where they would emerge. At the same moment, a figure appeared in the portal. He stepped out into the chamber. If anyone had been present to see, they might have recognized him as the mad criminal Vezon, his face hidden behind a Kanohi Olmak, the mask of Dimensional Gates. And if they peered closely, they might have seen his eyes widen at the sight of a wall of Energized Protodermis coming right at him.
"Uh-oh," he said.
Turaga Vakama walked slowly through the corridors of the Coliseum. It had been his work place since his return to the city of Metru Nui. Now it was his home as well, along with that off all the other Turaga. Much had changed in the city in recent days - not all of it good. Despite his confinement, he had been able to pick up snatches of information here and there. The fortunes of war had evidently turned against the Brotherhood of Makuta. Numerous Makuta-held islands had fallen including, rumor had it, Destral itself. It was almost too much to hope for - perhaps the Great Spirit would awaken to find his arch-enemies vanquished for good.
He passed his chamber and headed down a flight of stairs to a secure room. Here were kept weapons, memorials to the Toa Mangai, and one very important Kanohi Mask. Although Vakama knew that it was one of the safest spots in the city, he still checked on it every day. If the contents of that room were to fall into the wrong hands... he didn't even want to think about it.
He was halfway down the stairs when he heard the crash. He raced down to find a half-dozen heavily-armed Matoran, scattered like leaves in a wind-storm. The door to the chamber had crumpled with age, and stepping through it was a being Vakama had hoped to never see again. A little over a thousand years ago, when he was still a Toa, Vakama had battled a being called Voporak. Surounded by a field that aged anything it touched, Voporak seemed impossible to beat, and it took a Makuta to do it in the end. Voporak worked for the Dark Hunters and sought one thing in Metru Nui; the thing he now held in his great claw, the Kanohi Mask of Time.
Vakama froze. He wanted to attack, to avenge his fallen friends, but he knew that no attack of his would stop this creature. Voporak knew it too. He looked at Vakama with something like contempt. Then he shrugged and turned his back on the Turaga, walking away. Vakama followed. A few minutes later he watched Voporak walk out of a hole in the Coliseum. A four-armed warior wielding a multi-bladed axe bellowed at the sight of the thief and charged. Voporak reached out and grabbed his attacker. In a matter of seconds, the warrior aged tens of thousands of years before collapsing on the ground. Voporak kept going, and there was nothing, Vakama knew, that could hope to stop him.
Nowa część.
Wto 18:00, 16 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 16 Mar 2008
Posty: 210
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Ostrzeżeń: 1/5 Skąd: Katowice
Świetnie, czuję się jak Matau w kadzi Antidermis! Powrót Mrocznego Łowcy, Voporaka i kradzież Maski Czasu. Chyba Vakama ma nadal w swojej głowie te starcie z Cieniem, liderem Łowców. Założę, się, że Voporak nie tylko ukradnie Vahi, ale i także (chyba!) zemści się na Vakamie, który w przeszłości sprzymierzył się z Teridaxem (pamiętacie, ta bitwa o Vahi). Zapowiada się szalenie ekscytująco. A przy okazji, takanuvo9988, zapomniałeś dać jeszcze kawałek:
Kalmah moved warily through the main complex of Xia, flanked by Mantax and Ehlek. He did not want to be here. It would have been far more satisfying to be leading his new fleet against the Brotherhood of Makuta, but Pridak had contacted him and assured him that their old dream of overthrowing a Great Spirit might live again. Up ahead, sitting on a makeshift throne was The Shadowed One, leader of the Dark Hunters. He eyed the three Barraki coldly. Perched on the rafters above was Darkness, who watched over The Shadowed One, though not out of any desire to guard him. No, Darkness waited for a sign of weakness in the leader, to kill him so another could take his place.
"Shadowed One, we bring you greetings from Pridak," said Kalmah. "And congratulate you on your seizure of this island."
The Shadowed One simply nodded, his gaze never leaving Kalmah's hideous face.
"It is Pridak's belief that the Barraki and the Dark Hunters would be well-served by an alliance," Kalmah continued. "After this chaos is ended, someone will need to pick up the pieces of this universe. We see an opportunity."
"And what do you have to bargain with, besides your fearsome reputations?" The Shadowed One said, mockery in his voice.
Kalmah simply smiled. "Information. We know that Makuta Teridax struck the Great Spirit Mata Nui down, and we know how. We also know that a prototype of the virus used to do it was hidden on this island, and we believe you have it."
"I?" Said the Shadowed One. "I am the humble administrator of Xia, a mere servant of the people. Nothing more."
Kalmah laughed. "You, are a lying, treacherous sack of Doom Viper breath. But you are also very thorough. Oh yes, we've heard all about you and your organization since our release from captivity. If that virus is on Xia, you have it."
The Shadowed One's expression darkened. A lesser being would have quaked with fear at the sight. The Barraki, though, were not lesser beings.
"And if I do?"
"You know where it is, we know how it can be used. And so; a bargain."
The Shadowed One considered. He could just kill these three as he had Ancient, but if they really did know something about how the vials he had found could be turned against the Great Spirit, well, that was knowledge worth gaining. He could always kill them later, after all.
"Under one condition," he said. "Pridak and I will meet on mutual ground, the land of Karzahni. If I am satisfied with what he has to offer, then perhaps Dark Hunter and Barraki will walk side-by-side into a new dawn."
Wto 19:34, 16 Gru 2008 |
Dawny Administrator
Dołączył: 02 Gru 2005
Posty: 2178
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Zaraz będzie, ok?
EDIT: Już.
PS: Parę inf, których chyba nie było.
- Spherus Magna to planeta Wielkich Istot.
- Tam właśnie wykuto Maskę Życia.
Wto 21:31, 16 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 08 Maj 2008
Posty: 255
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Ostrzeżeń: 1/5 Skąd: ze Skierniewic
Oj będzię się działo Barraki sprzymierzeni z Mrocznymi Łowcami i Vezon z kanohi olmak Tridaxa. Czekam na następną część.
Wto 21:46, 16 Gru 2008 |
Dołączył: 03 Paź 2007
Posty: 658
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Ostrzeżeń: 1/5 Skąd: Gdańsk
Ojej ta dziwna substancja chce mnie zabić, to straszne- ta ignika chyba troche zabardzo mu przypaliła mózgownice. Sam odcinek wg mnie słaby. Cieszy mnie za to że nie zapomnieli o turaga mata i DH(co do tych drugich to bałem sie że będą tylko na bio pedii a potem świat o nich zapomnii)
Wto 22:03, 16 Gru 2008 |
Nie możesz pisać nowych tematów Nie możesz odpowiadać w tematach Nie możesz zmieniać swoich postów Nie możesz usuwać swoich postów Nie możesz głosować w ankietach